Authored by : FariaSaeedKhan , ZainabAkram , FouziaRehmanKhan

12 Pages : 88-94


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    APA : Khan, F. S., Akram, Z., & Khan, F. R. (2019). Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale. Global Language Review, IV(I), 88-94.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Faria Saeed, Zainab Akram, and Fouzia Rehman Khan. 2019. "Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale." Global Language Review, IV (I): 88-94 doi: 10.31703/glr.2019(IV-I).12
    HARVARD : KHAN, F. S., AKRAM, Z. & KHAN, F. R. 2019. Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale. Global Language Review, IV, 88-94.
    MHRA : Khan, Faria Saeed, Zainab Akram, and Fouzia Rehman Khan. 2019. "Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale." Global Language Review, IV: 88-94
    MLA : Khan, Faria Saeed, Zainab Akram, and Fouzia Rehman Khan. "Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale." Global Language Review, IV.I (2019): 88-94 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Faria Saeed, Akram, Zainab, and Khan, Fouzia Rehman (2019), "Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale", Global Language Review, IV (I), 88-94
    TURABIAN : Khan, Faria Saeed, Zainab Akram, and Fouzia Rehman Khan. "Assimilating Gender Subversion into Counter Hegemony: A Journey from Personal to Societal Disruption in a Fairy Tale." Global Language Review IV, no. I (2019): 88-94.