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APA : Butt, A., Quraishi, U., & Bhatti, S. A. (2019). Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners. Global Language Review, IV(II), 41-49.
CHICAGO : Butt, Ayesha, Uzma Quraishi, and Sameera Ayub Bhatti. 2019. "Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners." Global Language Review, IV (II): 41-49 doi: 10.31703/glr.2019(IV-II).07
HARVARD : BUTT, A., QURAISHI, U. & BHATTI, S. A. 2019. Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners. Global Language Review, IV, 41-49.
MHRA : Butt, Ayesha, Uzma Quraishi, and Sameera Ayub Bhatti. 2019. "Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners." Global Language Review, IV: 41-49
MLA : Butt, Ayesha, Uzma Quraishi, and Sameera Ayub Bhatti. "Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners." Global Language Review, IV.II (2019): 41-49 Print.
OXFORD : Butt, Ayesha, Quraishi, Uzma, and Bhatti, Sameera Ayub (2019), "Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners", Global Language Review, IV (II), 41-49
TURABIAN : Butt, Ayesha, Uzma Quraishi, and Sameera Ayub Bhatti. "Fostering Learner Autonomy through Foreign Language Learning Strategies among Pakistani EFL Learners." Global Language Review IV, no. II (2019): 41-49.