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APA : Khan, A. A., Shah, S. R. A., & Ahmad, H. (2018). Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms. Global Language Review, III(I), 17-38.
CHICAGO : Khan, Arshad Ali, Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah, and Hussain Ahmad. 2018. "Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms." Global Language Review, III (I): 17-38 doi: 10.31703/glr.2018(III-I).02
HARVARD : KHAN, A. A., SHAH, S. R. A. & AHMAD, H. 2018. Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms. Global Language Review, III, 17-38.
MHRA : Khan, Arshad Ali, Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah, and Hussain Ahmad. 2018. "Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms." Global Language Review, III: 17-38
MLA : Khan, Arshad Ali, Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah, and Hussain Ahmad. "Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms." Global Language Review, III.I (2018): 17-38 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Arshad Ali, Shah, Sayyed Rashid Ali, and Ahmad, Hussain (2018), "Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms", Global Language Review, III (I), 17-38
TURABIAN : Khan, Arshad Ali, Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah, and Hussain Ahmad. "Language Learning Strategies and Students9apos9 Performance in ESL Classrooms." Global Language Review III, no. I (2018): 17-38.