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APA : Faiz, R., Pervaiz, A., & Arshad, F. (2021). Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil... Global Language Review, VI(IV), 17-29.
CHICAGO : Faiz, Rabia, Azhar Pervaiz, and Faheem Arshad. 2021. "Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil..." Global Language Review, VI (IV): 17-29 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-IV).02
HARVARD : FAIZ, R., PERVAIZ, A. & ARSHAD, F. 2021. Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil... Global Language Review, VI, 17-29.
MHRA : Faiz, Rabia, Azhar Pervaiz, and Faheem Arshad. 2021. "Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil..." Global Language Review, VI: 17-29
MLA : Faiz, Rabia, Azhar Pervaiz, and Faheem Arshad. "Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil..." Global Language Review, VI.IV (2021): 17-29 Print.
OXFORD : Faiz, Rabia, Pervaiz, Azhar, and Arshad, Faheem (2021), "Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil..", Global Language Review, VI (IV), 17-29
TURABIAN : Faiz, Rabia, Azhar Pervaiz, and Faheem Arshad. "Conversation Analysis and the Negotiation of Gender Identity in Pakistani Multil..." Global Language Review VI, no. IV (2021): 17-29.