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APA : Mariyam, T., Kazmi, S., & Ali, R. I. (2020). Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001. Global Language Review, V(II), 170-178.
CHICAGO : Mariyam, Talat, Saria Kazmi, and Rana Imran Ali. 2020. "Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001." Global Language Review, V (II): 170-178 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-II).18
HARVARD : MARIYAM, T., KAZMI, S. & ALI, R. I. 2020. Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001. Global Language Review, V, 170-178.
MHRA : Mariyam, Talat, Saria Kazmi, and Rana Imran Ali. 2020. "Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001." Global Language Review, V: 170-178
MLA : Mariyam, Talat, Saria Kazmi, and Rana Imran Ali. "Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001." Global Language Review, V.II (2020): 170-178 Print.
OXFORD : Mariyam, Talat, Kazmi, Saria, and Ali, Rana Imran (2020), "Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001", Global Language Review, V (II), 170-178
TURABIAN : Mariyam, Talat, Saria Kazmi, and Rana Imran Ali. "Evaluation of English Textbook Exercises of Punjab Textbook Board for Grade 10 in the Light of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of 2001." Global Language Review V, no. II (2020): 170-178.