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APA : Amir, M. A., Ali, S., & Qadri, F. A. (2020). Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali. Global Language Review, V(III), 275-287.
CHICAGO : Amir, Muhammad Asaf, Sajid Ali, and Farheen Akhter Qadri. 2020. "Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali." Global Language Review, V (III): 275-287 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).28
HARVARD : AMIR, M. A., ALI, S. & QADRI, F. A. 2020. Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali. Global Language Review, V, 275-287.
MHRA : Amir, Muhammad Asaf, Sajid Ali, and Farheen Akhter Qadri. 2020. "Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali." Global Language Review, V: 275-287
MLA : Amir, Muhammad Asaf, Sajid Ali, and Farheen Akhter Qadri. "Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 275-287 Print.
OXFORD : Amir, Muhammad Asaf, Ali, Sajid, and Qadri, Farheen Akhter (2020), "Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali", Global Language Review, V (III), 275-287
TURABIAN : Amir, Muhammad Asaf, Sajid Ali, and Farheen Akhter Qadri. "Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 275-287.