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APA : Fatima, K., Rahim, M. Y., & Musaddiq, K. (2021). Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique. Global Language Review, VI(III), 24-35.
CHICAGO : Fatima, Kaniz, Muhammad Yousaf Rahim, and Kanzah Musaddiq. 2021. "Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique." Global Language Review, VI (III): 24-35 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-III).03
HARVARD : FATIMA, K., RAHIM, M. Y. & MUSADDIQ, K. 2021. Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique. Global Language Review, VI, 24-35.
MHRA : Fatima, Kaniz, Muhammad Yousaf Rahim, and Kanzah Musaddiq. 2021. "Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique." Global Language Review, VI: 24-35
MLA : Fatima, Kaniz, Muhammad Yousaf Rahim, and Kanzah Musaddiq. "Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique." Global Language Review, VI.III (2021): 24-35 Print.
OXFORD : Fatima, Kaniz, Rahim, Muhammad Yousaf, and Musaddiq, Kanzah (2021), "Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique", Global Language Review, VI (III), 24-35
TURABIAN : Fatima, Kaniz, Muhammad Yousaf Rahim, and Kanzah Musaddiq. "Marginalization In Hussain's The Desolate City: A Postcolonial Critique." Global Language Review VI, no. III (2021): 24-35.