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APA : Parveen, S. (2022). Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology. Global Language Review, VII(III), 94-107.
CHICAGO : Parveen, Shabnam. 2022. "Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology." Global Language Review, VII (III): 94-107 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-III).09
HARVARD : PARVEEN, S. 2022. Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology. Global Language Review, VII, 94-107.
MHRA : Parveen, Shabnam. 2022. "Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology." Global Language Review, VII: 94-107
MLA : Parveen, Shabnam. "Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology." Global Language Review, VII.III (2022): 94-107 Print.
OXFORD : Parveen, Shabnam (2022), "Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology", Global Language Review, VII (III), 94-107
TURABIAN : Parveen, Shabnam. "Perceptions of English Language Learners about E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Kohat University of Science and Technology." Global Language Review VII, no. III (2022): 94-107.