Authored by : Saba Zaidi , Ayesha Ashraf , Asim Aqeel

25 Pages : 244-257


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    APA : Zaidi, S., Ashraf, A., & Aqeel, A. (2020). Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis. Global Language Review, V(III), 244-257.
    CHICAGO : Zaidi, Saba, Ayesha Ashraf, and Asim Aqeel. 2020. "Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis." Global Language Review, V (III): 244-257 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).25
    HARVARD : ZAIDI, S., ASHRAF, A. & AQEEL, A. 2020. Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis. Global Language Review, V, 244-257.
    MHRA : Zaidi, Saba, Ayesha Ashraf, and Asim Aqeel. 2020. "Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis." Global Language Review, V: 244-257
    MLA : Zaidi, Saba, Ayesha Ashraf, and Asim Aqeel. "Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 244-257 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaidi, Saba, Ashraf, Ayesha, and Aqeel, Asim (2020), "Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis", Global Language Review, V (III), 244-257
    TURABIAN : Zaidi, Saba, Ayesha Ashraf, and Asim Aqeel. "Postmodern Deconstruction of Grand Narratives in Post-Cyberpunk Fiction through Thematic Analysis." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 244-257.