Authored by : Fatima Azhar , Khalid Mehmood Ahmad , Jonathan Caleb Imdad

06 Pages : 59-70


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    APA : Azhar, F., Ahmad, K. M., & Imdad, J. C. (2023). "Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings. Global Language Review, VIII(I), 59-70.
    CHICAGO : Azhar, Fatima, Khalid Mehmood Ahmad, and Jonathan Caleb Imdad. 2023. ""Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings." Global Language Review, VIII (I): 59-70 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).06
    HARVARD : AZHAR, F., AHMAD, K. M. & IMDAD, J. C. 2023. "Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings. Global Language Review, VIII, 59-70.
    MHRA : Azhar, Fatima, Khalid Mehmood Ahmad, and Jonathan Caleb Imdad. 2023. ""Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings." Global Language Review, VIII: 59-70
    MLA : Azhar, Fatima, Khalid Mehmood Ahmad, and Jonathan Caleb Imdad. ""Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings." Global Language Review, VIII.I (2023): 59-70 Print.
    OXFORD : Azhar, Fatima, Ahmad, Khalid Mehmood, and Imdad, Jonathan Caleb (2023), ""Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings", Global Language Review, VIII (I), 59-70
    TURABIAN : Azhar, Fatima, Khalid Mehmood Ahmad, and Jonathan Caleb Imdad. ""Precarious Report of Sub-continent Partition" under A Critical Look on Sidhwa's Selected Writings." Global Language Review VIII, no. I (2023): 59-70.