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APA : Kakepoto, I., Akhter, M. S., & Talpur, Q. (2022). Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project. Global Language Review, VII(II), 85- 95.
CHICAGO : Kakepoto, Inayatullah, Muhammad Saeed Akhter, and Quratulain Talpur. 2022. "Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project." Global Language Review, VII (II): 85- 95 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).08
HARVARD : KAKEPOTO, I., AKHTER, M. S. & TALPUR, Q. 2022. Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project. Global Language Review, VII, 85- 95.
MHRA : Kakepoto, Inayatullah, Muhammad Saeed Akhter, and Quratulain Talpur. 2022. "Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project." Global Language Review, VII: 85- 95
MLA : Kakepoto, Inayatullah, Muhammad Saeed Akhter, and Quratulain Talpur. "Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 85- 95 Print.
OXFORD : Kakepoto, Inayatullah, Akhter, Muhammad Saeed, and Talpur, Quratulain (2022), "Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project", Global Language Review, VII (II), 85- 95
TURABIAN : Kakepoto, Inayatullah, Muhammad Saeed Akhter, and Quratulain Talpur. "Reflections on English Speaking Anxiety of Engineering Students: Pilot Project." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 85- 95.