Authored by : Arooj Rana , Tahir Ayoub , Shazia Akbar Ghilzai

06 Pages : 72-84


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    APA : Rana, A., Ayoub, T., & Ghilzai, S. A. (2022). Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers. Global Language Review, VII(IV), 72-84.
    CHICAGO : Rana, Arooj, Tahir Ayoub, and Shazia Akbar Ghilzai. 2022. "Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers." Global Language Review, VII (IV): 72-84 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).06
    HARVARD : RANA, A., AYOUB, T. & GHILZAI, S. A. 2022. Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers. Global Language Review, VII, 72-84.
    MHRA : Rana, Arooj, Tahir Ayoub, and Shazia Akbar Ghilzai. 2022. "Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers." Global Language Review, VII: 72-84
    MLA : Rana, Arooj, Tahir Ayoub, and Shazia Akbar Ghilzai. "Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers." Global Language Review, VII.IV (2022): 72-84 Print.
    OXFORD : Rana, Arooj, Ayoub, Tahir, and Ghilzai, Shazia Akbar (2022), "Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers", Global Language Review, VII (IV), 72-84
    TURABIAN : Rana, Arooj, Tahir Ayoub, and Shazia Akbar Ghilzai. "Vaccine Inequality and Hesitancy in Pakistan: a Multi-modal Analysis of Covid-19 Cartoons in Pakistani Newspapers." Global Language Review VII, no. IV (2022): 72-84.