Authored by : M. Anees UlHusnainShah , IqbalAhmad , MohammadSaeed

13 Pages : 113-124


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    APA : Shah, M. A. U. H., Ahmad, I., & Saeed, M. (2020). Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students. Global Language Review, V(I), 113-124.
    CHICAGO : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. 2020. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V (I): 113-124 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).13
    HARVARD : SHAH, M. A. U. H., AHMAD, I. & SAEED, M. 2020. Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students. Global Language Review, V, 113-124.
    MHRA : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. 2020. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V: 113-124
    MLA : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V.I (2020): 113-124 Print.
    OXFORD : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Ahmad, Iqbal, and Saeed, Mohammad (2020), "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students", Global Language Review, V (I), 113-124
    TURABIAN : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review V, no. I (2020): 113-124.