14 Pages : 125-132      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-I).14      Published : Mar 2021

Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional

    Saphier, Haley-Speca., & Gower (2008) stated that teaching practice is to create a dynamic schoolroom environment that fosters fantastic, powerful communication amongst school students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community. This descriptive research is focused on the significance of teaching practice for the prospective teachers and was conducted by administering a questionnaire having fifteen question items on one hundred B.Ed (Hons) students of a public sector university after their final round of practicum. The results of the study through light on the importance of teaching practice component and its modalities and further reflects that teaching practice is highly significant, fruitful, and a must for any students interested in taking up teaching as a future profession both in teacher education and other programs with the remark that the concerned universities may extend to at least four months instead of restricting it to 12-16 credits or so.

    Teacher Education, Teaching Practice, Professional, Teaching Approaches, Teaching Abilities
    (1) Maria Shiraz
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Mubashar Nadeem
    Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Shahzada Qaisar
    Associate Professor, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Shiraz, M., Nadeem, M., & Qaisar, S. (2021). Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional. Global Language Review, VI(I), 125-132.
    CHICAGO : Shiraz, Maria, Mubashar Nadeem, and Shahzada Qaisar. 2021. "Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional." Global Language Review, VI (I): 125-132 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-I).14
    HARVARD : SHIRAZ, M., NADEEM, M. & QAISAR, S. 2021. Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional. Global Language Review, VI, 125-132.
    MHRA : Shiraz, Maria, Mubashar Nadeem, and Shahzada Qaisar. 2021. "Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional." Global Language Review, VI: 125-132
    MLA : Shiraz, Maria, Mubashar Nadeem, and Shahzada Qaisar. "Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional." Global Language Review, VI.I (2021): 125-132 Print.
    OXFORD : Shiraz, Maria, Nadeem, Mubashar, and Qaisar, Shahzada (2021), "Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional", Global Language Review, VI (I), 125-132
    TURABIAN : Shiraz, Maria, Mubashar Nadeem, and Shahzada Qaisar. "Achieving Pedagogical Abilities through Teaching Practice: A Smooth Track to be a Professional before Professional." Global Language Review VI, no. I (2021): 125-132.