Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan
The purpose of the current study was to examine language assessment practices of ESL teachers at the undergraduate level in Punjab (Faisalabad and Lahore). Objectives of the study were to evaluate current second language assessment methods used by teachers at the undergraduate level, to identify any difference between perceptions of teachers about their assessment skills and actual practices of teachers for second language assessment at the undergraduate level, to explore the factors affecting ESL assessment practices of teachers at the undergraduate level. To achieve the objectives of the study, a mixed-method research design was used, a variety of instruments were administered to collect quantitative data survey, and a language assessment knowledge test adapted from (Muhammad 2019)was used. The survey was divided into four parts first part inquired participants about their demographic information, second part inquired them about different assessment techniques they use to assess language skills, i.e., writing, reading, speaking, listening. Data were analyzed by conducting descriptive statistics through SPSS and thematic analysis. Findings of the study highlighted that teachers claimed to use various types of assessment techniques to assess their student's language skills like portfolio assessment, group discussion, note-taking but classroom observations indicated that they used only traditional pen and paper methods and limited assessment techniques like essay writing and multiple-choice questions.
Language Assessment Methods, Assessment Knowledge, Assessment Training
(1) Rameen Asif
Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Shahida Naz
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
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APA : Asif, R., & Naz, S. (2021). Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan. Global Language Review, VI(II), 191-200.
CHICAGO : Asif, Rameen, and Shahida Naz. 2021. "Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI (II): 191-200 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).21
HARVARD : ASIF, R. & NAZ, S. 2021. Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan. Global Language Review, VI, 191-200.
MHRA : Asif, Rameen, and Shahida Naz. 2021. "Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI: 191-200
MLA : Asif, Rameen, and Shahida Naz. "Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 191-200 Print.
OXFORD : Asif, Rameen and Naz, Shahida (2021), "Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan", Global Language Review, VI (II), 191-200
TURABIAN : Asif, Rameen, and Shahida Naz. "Analysis of Assessment Methods Used by ESL Teachers at Undergraduate level in Pakistan." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 191-200.