10 Pages : 103-113      10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).10      Published : Mar 2023

Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis

    This study aims to evaluate the learning complications encountered by nursing students in the English language at the undergraduate level. The study's sample comprised eight principals, eight English lecturers, and 200 students randomly selected from various nursing schools in Karachi. A descriptive and survey approach is adopted, which was subsequently analyzed using SPSS v-20. The findings revealed that 68% of the participants acknowledged that nursing students faced learning difficulties in the English language, while 32% of the participants expressed otherwise. Moreover, 66% of the participants confirmed that English teachers know to provide English language content, while 26% of the participants expressed scepticism, 47% of the participants using ICT-based teaching, and 35% of the participants held contrasting views. The study also revealed that most nursing teachers encountered challenges teaching the English language. The study recommends appointing competent and trained teachers for effective ICT-based teaching.

    Nursing; ESL; ICT; Teaching English; Pakistan.
    (1) Narjis Unar
    Institute of Business Management Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahnawaz Tunio
    College of Education, Zhengzhou University/Henan - China
    (3) Fozia Gul Unar
    Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    APA : Unar, N., Tunio, S., & Unar, F. G. (2023). Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis. Global Language Review, VIII(I), 103-113.
    CHICAGO : Unar, Narjis, Shahnawaz Tunio, and Fozia Gul Unar. 2023. "Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII (I): 103-113 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).10
    HARVARD : UNAR, N., TUNIO, S. & UNAR, F. G. 2023. Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis. Global Language Review, VIII, 103-113.
    MHRA : Unar, Narjis, Shahnawaz Tunio, and Fozia Gul Unar. 2023. "Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII: 103-113
    MLA : Unar, Narjis, Shahnawaz Tunio, and Fozia Gul Unar. "Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII.I (2023): 103-113 Print.
    OXFORD : Unar, Narjis, Tunio, Shahnawaz, and Unar, Fozia Gul (2023), "Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis", Global Language Review, VIII (I), 103-113
    TURABIAN : Unar, Narjis, Shahnawaz Tunio, and Fozia Gul Unar. "Evaluating English Language Learning Challenges among Graduating Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Analysis." Global Language Review VIII, no. I (2023): 103-113.