Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman
The current research examines the elements of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman. Miller's play is opted through purposive sampling technique. Primary source, a Play, Death of a Salesman, and secondary sources, such as dissertations, articles, thesis, and newspapers are used as an instrument for data collection. Plato's Idealism and the realism of Aristotle are used as a framework for the present work. Idealism is revealed through the analysis of the hero, Willy Loman's Character. The protagonist misunderstands American Dream, he is a dreamer salesman. He wants to become a successful businessman, but he fails. Willy lives in illusions,while the real world is absolutely different. He is the echo of postmodern American society. Realism is an important theory identified in Miller's play, Death of a Salesman. Charley is a practical character in the play, his approach is rational, practical and realistic towards life.
Idealism, Realism, Postmodernism, American Dream, Existentialism, Capitalism Emptiness
(1) Raees Khan
Lecturer, Department of English, University of Buner, Buner, KP, Pakistan
(2) Kamran Zeb
Lecturer, Department of English, University of Buner, Buner, KP, Pakistan
(3) Sanaa Malaikah Noor
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Islamia College Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
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APA : Khan, R., Zeb, K., & Noor, S. M. (2022). Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman. Global Language Review, VII(I), 217-228. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).19
CHICAGO : Khan, Raees, Kamran Zeb, and Sanaa Malaikah Noor. 2022. "Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman." Global Language Review, VII (I): 217-228 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).19
HARVARD : KHAN, R., ZEB, K. & NOOR, S. M. 2022. Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman. Global Language Review, VII, 217-228.
MHRA : Khan, Raees, Kamran Zeb, and Sanaa Malaikah Noor. 2022. "Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman." Global Language Review, VII: 217-228
MLA : Khan, Raees, Kamran Zeb, and Sanaa Malaikah Noor. "Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 217-228 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Raees, Zeb, Kamran, and Noor, Sanaa Malaikah (2022), "Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman", Global Language Review, VII (I), 217-228
TURABIAN : Khan, Raees, Kamran Zeb, and Sanaa Malaikah Noor. "Exploration of Idealism and Realism in Arthur Miller's Play, Death of a Salesman." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 217-228. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).19