Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle
The study was conducted to 'investigate ESL students' attitudes about English pronunciation as a communicative hurdle and to explore the effects of ESL students' attitudes about English pronunciation as a communicative hurdle'. This research utilizes the mixed method approach and for the proper execution of this work, the researcher collected data through a questionnaire. Research data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Responding to eight statements the respondents showed complete disagreement and replied that difficult words create no difficulty in pronouncing them, they feel no confusion about silent letters like a knife, difficult spellings are less problematic to speak, variation in pronunciation due to complex spelling creates no problem, pronunciation does not depend on only spellings, pronunciation of words matches with their spellings does not become the cause of trouble for them, and lengthy words are less difficult to pronounce them correctly.
Communicative Hurdle, English Pronunciation, External Communicative Barrier, Foreign Language Learners
(1) Humaira Akbar
Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Saeed Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Department of English, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Yousuf
English Teacher, Govt. Higher Secondary School Samina, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Akbar, H., Ahmad, S., & Yousuf, M. (2022). Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle. Global Language Review, VII(III), 45-58.
CHICAGO : Akbar, Humaira, Saeed Ahmad, and Muhammad Yousuf. 2022. "Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle." Global Language Review, VII (III): 45-58 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-III).06
HARVARD : AKBAR, H., AHMAD, S. & YOUSUF, M. 2022. Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle. Global Language Review, VII, 45-58.
MHRA : Akbar, Humaira, Saeed Ahmad, and Muhammad Yousuf. 2022. "Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle." Global Language Review, VII: 45-58
MLA : Akbar, Humaira, Saeed Ahmad, and Muhammad Yousuf. "Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle." Global Language Review, VII.III (2022): 45-58 Print.
OXFORD : Akbar, Humaira, Ahmad, Saeed, and Yousuf, Muhammad (2022), "Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle", Global Language Review, VII (III), 45-58
TURABIAN : Akbar, Humaira, Saeed Ahmad, and Muhammad Yousuf. "Foreign Language Learners' Opinion about English Pronunciation as Communicative Hurdle." Global Language Review VII, no. III (2022): 45-58.