Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis
This study stylistically analyzes a poem, "The Innocent Killings", by an anonymous poet, Jasmine. The poem has been analyzed at morphological, lexico-syntactical, and graphological levels where thematic and foregrounding elements have been used. Moreover, the unique deviation and parallelism have been taken as a suggestion to the spirit of the age. Various stylistic features in the context of brutal terrorism have been employed in the poem to convey the denser ideas and traumatic sufferings of the nation. The researchers also explored the unique structure of the poem carrying different moods and troops with proper choice of dictions in each portion. The stylistic techniques in the poem move parallel to the tone of the mood, such as; the use of progressive verbs, abstract nouns, symbol device like "Jasmine", and lack of the main verb in the last three lines of the poem shows a failure to defend the nation from terrorist attacks
Blast, Foregrounding, Graphological Level, Jasmine, Lexico-Syntactic Level, Morpgholodical Level, Parallelism and Deviation, Stylistics
(1) Saddam Hussain
Lecturer, Department of English, University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Ibad Ullah
Lecturer, Department of English, NUML, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Shaukat Ali
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Hussain, S., Ullah, I., & Ali, S. (2020). Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis. Global Language Review, V(III), 200-208.
CHICAGO : Hussain, Saddam, Ibad Ullah, and Shaukat Ali. 2020. "Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis." Global Language Review, V (III): 200-208 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).21
HARVARD : HUSSAIN, S., ULLAH, I. & ALI, S. 2020. Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis. Global Language Review, V, 200-208.
MHRA : Hussain, Saddam, Ibad Ullah, and Shaukat Ali. 2020. "Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis." Global Language Review, V: 200-208
MLA : Hussain, Saddam, Ibad Ullah, and Shaukat Ali. "Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 200-208 Print.
OXFORD : Hussain, Saddam, Ullah, Ibad, and Ali, Shaukat (2020), "Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis", Global Language Review, V (III), 200-208
TURABIAN : Hussain, Saddam, Ibad Ullah, and Shaukat Ali. "Graphological, Morphological, and Lexico-Syntactical Analysis of the Poem The Innocent Killings by Jasmine: A Stylistic Analysis." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 200-208.