04 Pages : 27-33      10.31703/glr.2020(V-IV).04      Published : Dec 2020

Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review

    This research paper inspected the role of Pakistani media to protect indigenous languages and culture in Pakistan. The study examined the situation; if Pakistani media outpours concern with the native languages or not. The article also checked the media landscape, its language-wise segregation and scenario of literacy in different areas of the country. The outcomes of the study showed that Pakistani media is neglecting the indigenous languages. The study results exhibited clearly that media houses' focus on protecting native languages, is not profound. The findings also showed that foreign ownership of Media houses plays a role in neglecting indigenous language promotions. The current study presented that Pakistani mainstream media is damaging the local and native languages. The study was the outcome of qualitative content analysis and in-depth interviews of senior communication experts.

    Media, Culture, Indigenous Languages, Pakistan
    (1) Irem Sultana
    Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Malik Adnan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Imran Mehsud
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Sultana, Irem, Malik Adnan, and Muhammad Imran Mehsud. 2020. "Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review." Global Language Review, V (IV): 27-33 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-IV).04
    HARVARD : SULTANA, I., ADNAN, M. & MEHSUD, M. I. 2020. Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review. Global Language Review, V, 27-33.
    MHRA : Sultana, Irem, Malik Adnan, and Muhammad Imran Mehsud. 2020. "Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review." Global Language Review, V: 27-33
    MLA : Sultana, Irem, Malik Adnan, and Muhammad Imran Mehsud. "Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review." Global Language Review, V.IV (2020): 27-33 Print.
    OXFORD : Sultana, Irem, Adnan, Malik, and Mehsud, Muhammad Imran (2020), "Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review", Global Language Review, V (IV), 27-33
    TURABIAN : Sultana, Irem, Malik Adnan, and Muhammad Imran Mehsud. "Media, Culture and Indigenous Languages in Pakistan: A Critical Review." Global Language Review V, no. IV (2020): 27-33.