18 Pages : 172-182      10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).18      Published : Sep 2020

Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation

    History is the witness of the immense influence literature exercises upon the nations. Percy Byssey Shelley and Mir Gul Khan Naseer, the two great names in the history of English and Balochi literature simultaneously, played an important role in the emancipation of society. Both the poets were against the bogus system of caste, color and creed, suppressing the masses. They were highly against social stratification and feudalism and raised their voice dauntlessly against the prevalent injustice. They are termed as poets of resistance who expressed repulsion against the corrupt social, political and religious scenario. Both the poets were termed as champions of liberty and had the creed to promote social, political and religious reforms. Anon they realized the ineffectiveness of their efforts. Finally, they strove to transform the individuals through their incredible poetry where a profusion of gorgeous verse along with brilliant imagery enchants the readers.

    Percy Byssey Shelley, Mir Gul Khan Naseer, Socialism, Revolution, Insurgence, Human Emancipation
    (1) Saima Manzoor
    Associate Professor, Department of English Literature, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
    (2) Zainab Akram
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sardar Bahadur Khan Womens University, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
    (3) Saima Yousaf
    Lecturer, Department of English Literature, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
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    APA : Manzoor, S., Akram, Z., & Yousaf, S. (2020). Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation. Global Language Review, V(III), 172-182.
    CHICAGO : Manzoor, Saima, Zainab Akram, and Saima Yousaf. 2020. "Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation." Global Language Review, V (III): 172-182 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).18
    HARVARD : MANZOOR, S., AKRAM, Z. & YOUSAF, S. 2020. Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation. Global Language Review, V, 172-182.
    MHRA : Manzoor, Saima, Zainab Akram, and Saima Yousaf. 2020. "Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation." Global Language Review, V: 172-182
    MLA : Manzoor, Saima, Zainab Akram, and Saima Yousaf. "Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 172-182 Print.
    OXFORD : Manzoor, Saima, Akram, Zainab, and Yousaf, Saima (2020), "Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation", Global Language Review, V (III), 172-182
    TURABIAN : Manzoor, Saima, Zainab Akram, and Saima Yousaf. "Percy Byssey Shelleyand Mir Gul Khan Naseer's Socialist Creed: A Comparative Study of the Champions of Human Liberation." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 172-182.