13 Pages : 136-144      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-IV).13      Published : Dec 2021

Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan

    This paper aims to examine the notions of politeness in the context of the most repeated strategies of request that the Pakistani undergraduate English language learners (ELLs) articulate in multilingual classrooms. Guided by the qualitative research design, sixty ELLs comprising two different ethnic groups (Siraiki-speaking and Pashto-speaking) served as the participants. Selected through purposive sampling from a university in Pakistan, the data are collected through discourse completion tasks, role plays, and focus group discussion. Analyzed according to the taxonomy of cross-cultural speech acts realization patterns for requests, the findings of the study reveal that Pakistani ELLs used conventionally indirect requests commonly than supplementary strategies, which were executed through certain traits of politeness. To furnish ELLs with pragmatic competence, this study suggests a few key strategies needed for both in terms of pedagogical practice in Pakistani multilingual classrooms.

    Request Strategies, Politeness, Speech Acts, Pragmatic Competence
    (1) Muhammad Farooq Alam
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Rooh Ul Amin
    Professor, Department of English, University of Sialkot, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Umar Razaq
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Alam, M. F., Amin, R. U., & Razaq, M. U. (2021). Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan. Global Language Review, VI(IV), 136-144.
    CHICAGO : Alam, Muhammad Farooq, Rooh Ul Amin, and Muhammad Umar Razaq. 2021. "Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI (IV): 136-144 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-IV).13
    HARVARD : ALAM, M. F., AMIN, R. U. & RAZAQ, M. U. 2021. Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan. Global Language Review, VI, 136-144.
    MHRA : Alam, Muhammad Farooq, Rooh Ul Amin, and Muhammad Umar Razaq. 2021. "Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI: 136-144
    MLA : Alam, Muhammad Farooq, Rooh Ul Amin, and Muhammad Umar Razaq. "Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan." Global Language Review, VI.IV (2021): 136-144 Print.
    OXFORD : Alam, Muhammad Farooq, Amin, Rooh Ul, and Razaq, Muhammad Umar (2021), "Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan", Global Language Review, VI (IV), 136-144
    TURABIAN : Alam, Muhammad Farooq, Rooh Ul Amin, and Muhammad Umar Razaq. "Politeness in the Realization of Requests in a Multilingual Setting: An Interlanguage Study of English Language Learners in Pakistan." Global Language Review VI, no. IV (2021): 136-144.