17 Pages : 153-161      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).17      Published : Jun 2021

Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English

    The translation of proverbs, which has always been a difficult area, is always emerged in culture because of its relevance to folklore, and hence translators face problems at the lexical, syntactical, or cultural level. Keeping in view this fact, the present study aimed to analyze Urdu proverbs and their equivalence in English, i.e., their translated version. For this purpose, as a source of data, the proverb book Khazina-e-Muhawarat by Craven, where translated version is also available, was used. These proverbs we reanalyzed and were searched for whether they were translated literately or sense-wise. From the data, it was found that there is a blend of both literal and sense translation, where equivalence varies from one version to another.

    Translation, Proverb, Equivalent, English, Persian, SL/TL
    (1) Mujtaba khan
    Lecturer in English, University of Swabi, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Faiz Ullah
    Lecturer in Islamia College Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
    (3) Rehmat Ali Yousaf Zai
    Ph.D. scholar, TESOL, School of Educational Studies, University Science Malaysia (USM-Main Campus) Malaysia
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    CHICAGO : khan, Mujtaba, Faiz Ullah, and Rehmat Ali Yousaf Zai. 2021. "Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English." Global Language Review, VI (II): 153-161 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).17
    HARVARD : KHAN, M., ULLAH, F. & ZAI, R. A. Y. 2021. Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English. Global Language Review, VI, 153-161.
    MHRA : khan, Mujtaba, Faiz Ullah, and Rehmat Ali Yousaf Zai. 2021. "Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English." Global Language Review, VI: 153-161
    MLA : khan, Mujtaba, Faiz Ullah, and Rehmat Ali Yousaf Zai. "Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 153-161 Print.
    OXFORD : khan, Mujtaba, Ullah, Faiz, and Zai, Rehmat Ali Yousaf (2021), "Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English", Global Language Review, VI (II), 153-161
    TURABIAN : khan, Mujtaba, Faiz Ullah, and Rehmat Ali Yousaf Zai. "Proverbs: An Analysis of Translation from Urdu to English." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 153-161.