Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey
The thought behind this research study was to explore the basic reasons for the over-identification of children in the special education department in Punjab. The population for the study was honorable teachers and the professionals working in this department. The research tool developed was a questionnaire created to record the opinions of the special education professionals and teaching staff against the tentative reasons. The sample who participated and provided their valuable opinions were 249 teaching staff and professionals from all over Punjab. The major reasons for the over-identification of children recorded are professional inefficiency, poor family background, some behavioral, Social or Psychological issues, Substandard diagnostic process,Shortage of human resources, Mis-evaluation of the poor health of the student, and lack of strong advocacy by a professional organization to reduce over-identification. Key recommendations made by the researchers are aware of the identification process,hiring the professionals, and timely and updated training should be conducted to reduce the over-identification of children in Special education in Punjab.
Identification, Over-Identification, Special Education, Reasons of Over Identification, Under-Identification, Policy of Special Education, Children with Special Needs, Disabilities in Pakistan, SED Pu
(1) Muhammad Javed Aftab
Lecturer/ Coordinator, Faisalabad Campus Department of Special Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Ashfaq
Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Education, Lahore, (Lower Mall Campus), Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Navid Ur Rehman
SSET(HI) BPS-17 Government Secondary School of Special Education, Khanewal Department of Special Education, Government of Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Aftab, M. J., Ashfaq, M., & Rehman, N. U. (2022). Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey. Global Language Review, VII(I), 101- 118.
CHICAGO : Aftab, Muhammad Javed, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Navid Ur Rehman. 2022. "Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey." Global Language Review, VII (I): 101- 118 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).10
HARVARD : AFTAB, M. J., ASHFAQ, M. & REHMAN, N. U. 2022. Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey. Global Language Review, VII, 101- 118.
MHRA : Aftab, Muhammad Javed, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Navid Ur Rehman. 2022. "Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey." Global Language Review, VII: 101- 118
MLA : Aftab, Muhammad Javed, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Navid Ur Rehman. "Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 101- 118 Print.
OXFORD : Aftab, Muhammad Javed, Ashfaq, Muhammad, and Rehman, Navid Ur (2022), "Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey", Global Language Review, VII (I), 101- 118
TURABIAN : Aftab, Muhammad Javed, Muhammad Ashfaq, and Navid Ur Rehman. "Reasons for Over-Identifications of Children with Disabilities in Pakistan: An Analytical Survey." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 101- 118.