Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective
The study analyzes traumatization as a process in Beloved (1987), written by an Afro-American writer, Toni Morrison,following Cathy Caruth’s (1996) trauma theory, which states that "a shock that appears to work very much like a bodily threat is, in fact, a break in the mind's experience of time" (Caruth 1996: 61). Traumatization can be used as a process in literature and is frequently and intricately linked to pain in ways one does not fully comprehend. This research study follows one of the types of textual analysis, i.e., the Content Qualitative Method introduced by Bernard Berelson (1952) in communication research, which demonstrates that ‘content analysis is a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of clear content of the communication. It also analyzes the reactions of the victimized characters to the horrific incidents they encountered. As a result of being traumatized by slavery and murdering her own daughter, Sethe suffers the most visible split. It builds a bridge between the events in the narrative and the readers' imaginations to get to know the psychology of victims in an altered state of consciousness.
Trauma Theory, Slavery, Nostalgia, Traumatization, Textual analysis, Marginalization
(1) Fatima Ghafoor
MS Scholar, City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Shakil Ur Rehman
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Higher Education Department, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Ilyas Senior
Subject Specialist, English, Elementary & Secondary Education, KP, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Ghafoor, F., Rehman, M. S. U., & Senior, M. I. (2023). Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective. Global Language Review, VIII(II), 89-99 .
CHICAGO : Ghafoor, Fatima, Muhammad Shakil Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Ilyas Senior. 2023. "Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective." Global Language Review, VIII (II): 89-99 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).09
HARVARD : GHAFOOR, F., REHMAN, M. S. U. & SENIOR, M. I. 2023. Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective. Global Language Review, VIII, 89-99 .
MHRA : Ghafoor, Fatima, Muhammad Shakil Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Ilyas Senior. 2023. "Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective." Global Language Review, VIII: 89-99
MLA : Ghafoor, Fatima, Muhammad Shakil Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Ilyas Senior. "Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective." Global Language Review, VIII.II (2023): 89-99 Print.
OXFORD : Ghafoor, Fatima, Rehman, Muhammad Shakil Ur, and Senior, Muhammad Ilyas (2023), "Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective", Global Language Review, VIII (II), 89-99
TURABIAN : Ghafoor, Fatima, Muhammad Shakil Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Ilyas Senior. "Representation of Traumatization In Morrison's Beloved from A Caruthian Perspective." Global Language Review VIII, no. II (2023): 89-99 .