33 Pages : 310-316      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).33      Published : Jun 2021

Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley

    Stylistics is concerned with the analysis of variation and characteristics of language. Stylistics has gathered imminent role in ascertaining language use, especially poetic language. In this research paper,I have explored the intentional deviation from the conventional rules in the poem Ode to West Wind by P.B Shelly. The poem is rich from a stylistic point of view because the application of deliberate misspellings, creativity in style, the irregularity in the syntax patterns, and the phonological and graphological deviations make the poem a fascinating read. I have noticed that Shelly has freed himself from the structural and traditional norms of language and has presented a new dimension in poetry.This article is the analysis done against the backdrop of deviations at syntactical, morphological, and grammatical levels.

    Stylistics Deviation, Linguistics Analysis, Figurative Language, Semantic Analysis, Syntactic Deviation
    (1) Sana Gul
    Lecturer, Department of English, Riphah International University, Gulberg Greens, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (2) Kamal Saeed
    Lecturer, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Nimra Tariq
    Mphil Scholar, Department of English, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Gul, Sana, Kamal Saeed, and Nimra Tariq. 2021. "Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley." Global Language Review, VI (II): 310-316 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).33
    HARVARD : GUL, S., SAEED, K. & TARIQ, N. 2021. Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley. Global Language Review, VI, 310-316.
    MHRA : Gul, Sana, Kamal Saeed, and Nimra Tariq. 2021. "Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley." Global Language Review, VI: 310-316
    MLA : Gul, Sana, Kamal Saeed, and Nimra Tariq. "Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 310-316 Print.
    OXFORD : Gul, Sana, Saeed, Kamal, and Tariq, Nimra (2021), "Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by PB Shelley", Global Language Review, VI (II), 310-316