10 Pages : 91-102      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-III).10      Published : Sep 2021

The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners

    The purpose of this study was to find out how oral communication skills can be improved with the use of technology. In the results obtained, it is noticed that students and teachers both said that oral communication skills could be improved by using the technology, but they do not use it in the universities of Karachi. This study made use of questionnaires and interviews in order to find a methodology to find out different reasons why technology should be used to improve the oral communication skills of ESL students. The research was conducted with 100 ESL students, followed by interviews with eight teachers of different universities in Karachi. After carrying out the investigation and looking at the responses of the respondents, it can be concluded that technology positively influences the oral communication skills of the students. After looking at the results, it can be said that technology (such as projector-based teaching, watching TV, films, and video calls) positively impacts the oral communication skills of ESL students.

    ESL, Oral Communication, Technology
    (1) Urooj Fatima
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Zeeshan Farid
    Research Assistant, Department of Education, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Tayyab
    Research Assistant, Department of Education, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
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    APA : Fatima, U., Farid, Z., & Tayyab, M. (2021). The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners. Global Language Review, VI(III), 91-102.
    CHICAGO : Fatima, Urooj, Zeeshan Farid, and Muhammad Tayyab. 2021. "The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners." Global Language Review, VI (III): 91-102 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-III).10
    HARVARD : FATIMA, U., FARID, Z. & TAYYAB, M. 2021. The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners. Global Language Review, VI, 91-102.
    MHRA : Fatima, Urooj, Zeeshan Farid, and Muhammad Tayyab. 2021. "The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners." Global Language Review, VI: 91-102
    MLA : Fatima, Urooj, Zeeshan Farid, and Muhammad Tayyab. "The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners." Global Language Review, VI.III (2021): 91-102 Print.
    OXFORD : Fatima, Urooj, Farid, Zeeshan, and Tayyab, Muhammad (2021), "The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners", Global Language Review, VI (III), 91-102
    TURABIAN : Fatima, Urooj, Zeeshan Farid, and Muhammad Tayyab. "The Effects of Technology on the Oral Communication Skills of Undergraduate ESL Learners." Global Language Review VI, no. III (2021): 91-102.