Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie
This is a hermeneutic study of the spiritual Odyssey, Hippie, a bildungsroman novel that focuses on quest and mysteries to analyze the Truth or Reality, which leads to enlightenment. The concept of Bildungsroman is studied in the context of the Theory of Hermeneutics enunciated by Hans-Georg Gadamer and Anthony Giddens (Double Hermeneutics). This study shows how Paulo uses the essentials of romances, the Grail as a common object, Buddha's journey, long-cherished dreams, examples of epics, listening to one's heart, the signs, ventures, exploration, self-discovery to search a Hidden Treasure, and wisdom on legendary roads and places. For Gadamer, everyone has its particular viewpoint or perspective known as its horizon that helps to understand the world and the literary work. This study shows, along with the other elements, how one's journey for selfidentification always initiates with a successful new understanding of unity that everything in this world is interlinked and connected like a chain. This new realization of the unity which connects ones with The One is known as the soul of the world.
Spiritual Odyssey, Bildungsroman Quest, Soul of the World, Pantheism, Hippie, Heteroglossia, Self-Realization, Enlightenment
(1) Asma Mustafa
MPhil, Department of English Literature, Riphah International University,Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Mustafa, A. (2020). Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie. Global Language Review, V(III), 191-199. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).20
CHICAGO : Mustafa, Asma. 2020. "Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie." Global Language Review, V (III): 191-199 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).20
HARVARD : MUSTAFA, A. 2020. Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie. Global Language Review, V, 191-199.
MHRA : Mustafa, Asma. 2020. "Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie." Global Language Review, V: 191-199
MLA : Mustafa, Asma. "Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 191-199 Print.
OXFORD : Mustafa, Asma (2020), "Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie", Global Language Review, V (III), 191-199
TURABIAN : Mustafa, Asma. "Understanding the soul of the world is the Key of Self-Realization and Enlightenment Journey: The Hermeneutic Study of the Quest Hippie." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 191-199. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).20