20 Pages : 181-190      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).20      Published : Jun 2021

Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study

    Better understanding in relationships can be achieved by applying pre-invitation and politeness strategies. The major focus of the current research was to explore the frequency and usage of pre-invitation in making polite utterances. Data for the current study was gathered from professional field people. The participants of the professional field were the 60 teachers of Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Baghdad-ul-jadeed campus). The questionnaire was devised by the researcher that was comprised of five-point Likert-Scale, close-ended items. Data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using a descriptive statistical technique with SPSS(V-20) against each statement. The study was delimitated on certain grounds, not taking unlettered people as a sample of the study. The data was gathered quantitatively via questionnaires. The result was found to be significant. The results showed that the majority of professional field people use pre-invitation in their daily discourses. Moreover, the frequent use of pre-invitation indicated that their basic purposes are; to show politeness and to save the face of each other as well. In the light of findings, some recommendations are proposed for future research.

    Communication, Politeness, Face-Saving, Pre-Sequence, Pre-Invitation, First Pair Part (FPP), Second Pair Part (SPP)
    (1) Farah Zaib
    PhD Scholar, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahid Nawaz
    Assistant Professor, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Riaz Hussain
    Assistant Professor, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Zaib, Farah, Shahid Nawaz, and Riaz Hussain. 2021. "Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study." Global Language Review, VI (II): 181-190 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).20
    HARVARD : ZAIB, F., NAWAZ, S. & HUSSAIN, R. 2021. Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study. Global Language Review, VI, 181-190.
    MHRA : Zaib, Farah, Shahid Nawaz, and Riaz Hussain. 2021. "Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study." Global Language Review, VI: 181-190
    MLA : Zaib, Farah, Shahid Nawaz, and Riaz Hussain. "Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 181-190 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaib, Farah, Nawaz, Shahid, and Hussain, Riaz (2021), "Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study", Global Language Review, VI (II), 181-190
    TURABIAN : Zaib, Farah, Shahid Nawaz, and Riaz Hussain. "Use of Pre-Invitation Signaling Politeness: A Descriptive Study." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 181-190.