http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).12      10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).12      Published : Mar 2023
Authored by : Muhammad Hassan Shaikh , Ajab Ali Lashari , Shah Muhammad Farooq Rashdi

12 Pages : 123-130


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    CHICAGO : Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan, Ajab Ali Lashari, and Shah Muhammad Farooq Rashdi. 2023. "A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone." Global Language Review, VIII (I): 123-130 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).12
    HARVARD : SHAIKH, M. H., LASHARI, A. A. & RASHDI, S. M. F. 2023. A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone. Global Language Review, VIII, 123-130.
    MHRA : Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan, Ajab Ali Lashari, and Shah Muhammad Farooq Rashdi. 2023. "A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone." Global Language Review, VIII: 123-130
    MLA : Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan, Ajab Ali Lashari, and Shah Muhammad Farooq Rashdi. "A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone." Global Language Review, VIII.I (2023): 123-130 Print.
    OXFORD : Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan, Lashari, Ajab Ali, and Rashdi, Shah Muhammad Farooq (2023), "A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone", Global Language Review, VIII (I), 123-130
    TURABIAN : Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan, Ajab Ali Lashari, and Shah Muhammad Farooq Rashdi. "A Postcolonial Reading of Novuya Tshuma's House of Stone." Global Language Review VIII, no. I (2023): 123-130. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).12