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APA : Rasheed, S., & Javaid, S. (2022). Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy. Global Language Review, VII(II), 221-232.
CHICAGO : Rasheed, Saba, and Sahar Javaid. 2022. "Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy." Global Language Review, VII (II): 221-232 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).19
HARVARD : RASHEED, S. & JAVAID, S. 2022. Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy. Global Language Review, VII, 221-232.
MHRA : Rasheed, Saba, and Sahar Javaid. 2022. "Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy." Global Language Review, VII: 221-232
MLA : Rasheed, Saba, and Sahar Javaid. "Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 221-232 Print.
OXFORD : Rasheed, Saba and Javaid, Sahar (2022), "Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy", Global Language Review, VII (II), 221-232
TURABIAN : Rasheed, Saba, and Sahar Javaid. "Discovery of Existential Paralysis, Death, and Resolve in Autoethnographic Poetry of Taufiq Rafat through Poundian Image: A Study of Poetic Therapy." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 221-232.