GREGORS FATHER A CONFIRMATION OF THE OEDIPAL COMPLEX      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).32      Published : Jun 2021
Authored by : Saddam UlIslam , Farman Elahi , Kiran Qamar

32 Pages : 304-309


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    CHICAGO : Islam, Saddam Ul, Farman Elahi, and Kiran Qamar. 2021. "Gregor's Father: A Confirmation of the Oedipal Complex." Global Language Review, VI (II): 304-309 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).32
    HARVARD : ISLAM, S. U., ELAHI, F. & QAMAR, K. 2021. Gregor's Father: A Confirmation of the Oedipal Complex. Global Language Review, VI, 304-309.
    MHRA : Islam, Saddam Ul, Farman Elahi, and Kiran Qamar. 2021. "Gregor's Father: A Confirmation of the Oedipal Complex." Global Language Review, VI: 304-309
    MLA : Islam, Saddam Ul, Farman Elahi, and Kiran Qamar. "Gregor's Father: A Confirmation of the Oedipal Complex." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 304-309 Print.
    OXFORD : Islam, Saddam Ul, Elahi, Farman, and Qamar, Kiran (2021), "Gregor's Father: A Confirmation of the Oedipal Complex", Global Language Review, VI (II), 304-309