07 Pages : 65-74      10.31703/glr.2021(VI-III).07      Published : Sep 2021

A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools

    The aim of the study was to make a comparison between the teaching methodologies employed by English language teachers at public and private sector schools at primary level. Foreign language teaching methodologies has become a much-discussed phenomena and has been given immense importance from the last few decades, however, it still needs development in teaching practices. The data for the present study were collected in the form of semi-structured interviews, which were related to the objectives and research questions. The target population of the study was primary level teachers of Lahore, Punjab (Pakistan), while the sample of the study was comprised of primary level teachers of a public and private sector school in Lahore. The results of the study indicated that the teachers of the public sector schools were mostly relying on the structural methods of language teaching, whereas the teachers of the private sector schools were using blended methods.

    Teaching Practices, Teaching Methodologies, English as a Foreign Language
    (1) Amna Zahra
    Research Scholar, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Ayesha Butt
    Assistant Professor, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sadia Rafique
    Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Zahra, A., Butt, A., & Rafique, S. (2021). A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools. Global Language Review, VI(III), 65-74.
    CHICAGO : Zahra, Amna, Ayesha Butt, and Sadia Rafique. 2021. "A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools." Global Language Review, VI (III): 65-74 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-III).07
    HARVARD : ZAHRA, A., BUTT, A. & RAFIQUE, S. 2021. A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools. Global Language Review, VI, 65-74.
    MHRA : Zahra, Amna, Ayesha Butt, and Sadia Rafique. 2021. "A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools." Global Language Review, VI: 65-74
    MLA : Zahra, Amna, Ayesha Butt, and Sadia Rafique. "A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools." Global Language Review, VI.III (2021): 65-74 Print.
    OXFORD : Zahra, Amna, Butt, Ayesha, and Rafique, Sadia (2021), "A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools", Global Language Review, VI (III), 65-74
    TURABIAN : Zahra, Amna, Ayesha Butt, and Sadia Rafique. "A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methodologies Employed by English Language Teachers in Private and Public Sector Schools." Global Language Review VI, no. III (2021): 65-74.