Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms
This qualitative study investigates teachers' and students’ perceptions regarding barriers and facilitators in developing higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) among undergraduate students before and after undertaking the Functional English (FE) course. For data collection, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were administered in two phases before and at the completion of the FE course. Thematic analysis was carried out using the NVivo version 10. Analysis revealed that teachers and students considered teachers the most influencing factor for fostering HOTS in English classrooms. A teacher can exemplify, provide a classroom environment in terms of opportunities of asking and responding to questions, and attach value to such thinking skills. Students’ previous experience and exposure in enhancing thinking skills were also mentioned as a potential factor for the aforementioned. The present study implies inculcating HOTS in language classrooms for life-long learning.
Barriers, Critical Thinking, Facilitators, Higher-order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
(1) Shaista Irshad Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Shawana Fazal
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Haleema Bano
Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Haripur, Haripur, PK, Pakistan.
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APA : Khan, S. I., Fazal, S., & Bano, H. (2021). Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms. Global Language Review, VI(I), 322-333.
CHICAGO : Khan, Shaista Irshad, Shawana Fazal, and Haleema Bano. 2021. "Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms." Global Language Review, VI (I): 322-333 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-I).35
HARVARD : KHAN, S. I., FAZAL, S. & BANO, H. 2021. Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms. Global Language Review, VI, 322-333.
MHRA : Khan, Shaista Irshad, Shawana Fazal, and Haleema Bano. 2021. "Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms." Global Language Review, VI: 322-333
MLA : Khan, Shaista Irshad, Shawana Fazal, and Haleema Bano. "Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms." Global Language Review, VI.I (2021): 322-333 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Shaista Irshad, Fazal, Shawana, and Bano, Haleema (2021), "Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms", Global Language Review, VI (I), 322-333
TURABIAN : Khan, Shaista Irshad, Shawana Fazal, and Haleema Bano. "Barriers and Facilitators in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills among Students in English Classrooms." Global Language Review VI, no. I (2021): 322-333.