08 Pages : 65-73      10.31703/glr.2020(V-IV).08      Published : Dec 2020

Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level

    The Pandemic COVID-19, though challenged systems but provided them with opportunities to address languages them. Pedagogical innovations were put forward, and traditions also paved the way for learning. This article describes the effectiveness of the mixture (bilingualism) of Urdu and English that how it helps the undergrads (major is English) to develop an understanding of the content knowledge and further various skills. The study was focused on 140 undergrads of a public sector university to get their feedback on the best possible language-speaking practices for enhancing content knowledge and skills. The study, based on the results of a shared questionnaire, concludes that for online teaching, the blend of Urdu and English languages is more helpful instead of the monolingual approach to improving literary and linguistics areas. It also recommends that this can also be practised during face to face teaching to realize the objectives of the academic programs.

    Pedagogical Interventions, Undergrad Level, Bilingualism, Urdu and English Mixture
    (1) Ghulam Rasool
    Phd Scholar, Department of Urdu, Oriental College University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Mubashar Nadeem
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Amjad Abid
    Lecturer, Department of Urdu, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Rasool, G., Nadeem, M., & Abid, M. A. (2020). Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level. Global Language Review, V(IV), 65-73.
    CHICAGO : Rasool, Ghulam, Mubashar Nadeem, and Muhammad Amjad Abid. 2020. "Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level." Global Language Review, V (IV): 65-73 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-IV).08
    HARVARD : RASOOL, G., NADEEM, M. & ABID, M. A. 2020. Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level. Global Language Review, V, 65-73.
    MHRA : Rasool, Ghulam, Mubashar Nadeem, and Muhammad Amjad Abid. 2020. "Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level." Global Language Review, V: 65-73
    MLA : Rasool, Ghulam, Mubashar Nadeem, and Muhammad Amjad Abid. "Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level." Global Language Review, V.IV (2020): 65-73 Print.
    OXFORD : Rasool, Ghulam, Nadeem, Mubashar, and Abid, Muhammad Amjad (2020), "Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level", Global Language Review, V (IV), 65-73
    TURABIAN : Rasool, Ghulam, Mubashar Nadeem, and Muhammad Amjad Abid. "Effectiveness of the Mixture (Bilingualism) of Urdu and English for Enhancing Content Knowledge Understanding at Undergrad Level." Global Language Review V, no. IV (2020): 65-73.