ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level
English Language Teaching has become a compulsory subject in the curricula of many developing countries. There has been an increase in the trend of skeptic viewing of the credibility of this subject for teaching only a language and not its ideology and culture. Studies show that under the impact of ELT learners develop a positive attitude to English culture and depreciation of the indigenous one. Same is the case in Pakistan. English ideologies and cultural representation were uncovered through the application of CDA. The main ideologies found in these books were superiority of "Us/Self" and the inferiority of "Them/Other". The paper present the source and target culture in their true perspective making the source culture part of esteem instead of the foreign culture.
Hegemony, Ideology, Source Culture "Us/Self" , "Them/Other", Values, Idealization, Target Culture
(1) Ejaz Mirza
Assistant Professor, Department of English, NUML, Pakistan.
(2) Nazak Hussain
PhD Scholar, Department of English,, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Syed Ali Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Mirza, E., Hussain, N., & Shah, S. A. (2018). ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level. Global Language Review, III(I), 58-77. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2018(III-I).04
CHICAGO : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. 2018. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III (I): 58-77 doi: 10.31703/glr.2018(III-I).04
HARVARD : MIRZA, E., HUSSAIN, N. & SHAH, S. A. 2018. ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level. Global Language Review, III, 58-77.
MHRA : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. 2018. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III: 58-77
MLA : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III.I (2018): 58-77 Print.
OXFORD : Mirza, Ejaz, Hussain, Nazak, and Shah, Syed Ali (2018), "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level", Global Language Review, III (I), 58-77
TURABIAN : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review III, no. I (2018): 58-77. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2018(III-I).04