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APA : Mirza, E., Hussain, N., & Shah, S. A. (2018). ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level. Global Language Review, III(I), 58-77.
CHICAGO : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. 2018. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III (I): 58-77 doi: 10.31703/glr.2018(III-I).04
HARVARD : MIRZA, E., HUSSAIN, N. & SHAH, S. A. 2018. ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level. Global Language Review, III, 58-77.
MHRA : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. 2018. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III: 58-77
MLA : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review, III.I (2018): 58-77 Print.
OXFORD : Mirza, Ejaz, Hussain, Nazak, and Shah, Syed Ali (2018), "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level", Global Language Review, III (I), 58-77
TURABIAN : Mirza, Ejaz, Nazak Hussain, and Syed Ali Shah. "ELT Syllabus: Hegemonic Sabotaging of Pakistan's Ideology at HSSC level." Global Language Review III, no. I (2018): 58-77.