12 Pages : 143-154      10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).12      Published : Dec 2022

Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo

    This study focuses on the clash between two civilizations, i.e., Islam and the West in works of fiction that were produced after the September 11 attacks and that deal with the attacks. The novel selected for this study is Falling Man (2007) by Don
    DeLillo. Through critical engagement by Samuel P.Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations", this study tries to discover how the clash has been presented in the novel. The conflict portrayed in the novel has been analyzed qualitatively through Miles et al. 'Noting Patterns and Themes' and by using archival methods. Islamist terrorism, Religion Islam, Financial opportunities, and Western Imperialism are depicted as the bone of contention between the two civilizations. The writer tries to resist the notion that Western civilization is imperialistic and portrays Islam as a religion advocating terrorism.

    The Clash of Civilizations, Western Imperialism, Islamist Terrorism
    (1) Gulali Khan
    Lecturer English, Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences, Quetta, Balochistan.
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    CHICAGO : Khan, Gulali. 2022. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII (IV): 143-154 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).12
    HARVARD : KHAN, G. 2022. Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo. Global Language Review, VII, 143-154.
    MHRA : Khan, Gulali. 2022. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII: 143-154
    MLA : Khan, Gulali. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII.IV (2022): 143-154 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Gulali (2022), "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo", Global Language Review, VII (IV), 143-154