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APA : Khan, G. (2022). Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo. Global Language Review, VII(IV), 143-154.
CHICAGO : Khan, Gulali. 2022. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII (IV): 143-154 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).12
HARVARD : KHAN, G. 2022. Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo. Global Language Review, VII, 143-154.
MHRA : Khan, Gulali. 2022. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII: 143-154
MLA : Khan, Gulali. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review, VII.IV (2022): 143-154 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Gulali (2022), "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo", Global Language Review, VII (IV), 143-154
TURABIAN : Khan, Gulali. "Islam West Conflict in Post 9/11 Fiction: A Case Study of Falling Man by Don DeLillo." Global Language Review VII, no. IV (2022): 143-154.