Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom
Scholars' findings on corrective feedback in their empirical studies show the use of written or oral corrective feedback in university classrooms. The study focuses on examining the effectiveness and learners' perception of oral O/WCF respectively in the university classroom to check to what extent written and oral OCF are used with L2 learners at the BS level and the second aim is based on learners' perceptions, which feedback is viewed more effective and why? Observation data were collected from the classroom. Six lessons have been observed using a structured observation checklist. For OCF teacher-learner interaction has been observed. Observational points were noted in the checklist and WCF learners' assignments have been assessed. Semi-Structured interviews were conducted to know the perceptions of the learners. The study employed a Mixed Method Research approach with a pragmatism paradigm. The findings of this study show, teachers use OCF more compare to WCF. Learners found WCF more effective than OCF.
Corrective Feedback, Perception, ESL Classrooms
(1) Afshan Shahzadi
Lecturer, Department of English, Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Sadia Irshad
Lecturer, Department of English, Abbottabad University of Science & Technology, Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Shahzadi, A., & Irshad, S. (2022). Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom. Global Language Review, VII(II), 395-417.
CHICAGO : Shahzadi, Afshan, and Sadia Irshad. 2022. "Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom." Global Language Review, VII (II): 395-417 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).33
HARVARD : SHAHZADI, A. & IRSHAD, S. 2022. Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom. Global Language Review, VII, 395-417.
MHRA : Shahzadi, Afshan, and Sadia Irshad. 2022. "Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom." Global Language Review, VII: 395-417
MLA : Shahzadi, Afshan, and Sadia Irshad. "Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 395-417 Print.
OXFORD : Shahzadi, Afshan and Irshad, Sadia (2022), "Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom", Global Language Review, VII (II), 395-417
TURABIAN : Shahzadi, Afshan, and Sadia Irshad. "Perception of Corrective Feedback in Pakistani ESL Universities Classroom." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 395-417.