10 Pages : 87- 94      10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).10      Published : Mar 2020

Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime

    Performance often grows out of dependability to the dramatic text surviving in tenuous relation with the text it floats unrestricted of the tying of the written text to create other theatrical idioms and other gestures As a postlinear play text Derek Walcotts masterwork Pantomime 1978 unleashes rejoinder to Western ideological constructs its overriding conventions and aesthetics This essay attempts to deliver in what way the rehearsal fragment allows both participants to fetch their cultural opinion and mounts encounter to the predominance of the text and locus of authority In producing their particular text the concept of theatre as a specific and distinguishable cultural artefact is undermined Immersed with creole dynamism its artistic performance continually dismantles the predictable theatrical apparatus to befit above exhibition than denotation

    Aesthetics, Creole, Pantomime, Performance, Reconstruction, Text.
    (1) Amara Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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  • Walcott, D.A, (1978) Pantomime. Electronic Edition by Alexander Street Press, L.L.C., 2005. Also published in Crosswinds: An Anthology of Black Dramatists in the Diaspora, Branch, William B., ed., Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1993.

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    CHICAGO : Khan, Amara. 2020. "Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime." Global Language Review, V (I): 87- 94 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).10
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. 2020. Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime. Global Language Review, V, 87- 94.
    MHRA : Khan, Amara. 2020. "Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime." Global Language Review, V: 87- 94
    MLA : Khan, Amara. "Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime." Global Language Review, V.I (2020): 87- 94 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Amara (2020), "Reconstruction of the Text through Performance in Derek Walcotts Pantomime", Global Language Review, V (I), 87- 94