Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students
The Self-regulated Motivation Scale (SRMS) has been widely used to measure students’ motivation for learning in social sciences context. There is no evidence of its validation in the medical field. This study examined the scale's psychometric properties for measuring medical students’ motivation for English oral communication in the Pakistani context. A total of 401 students participated in the study who responded to the 20 items scale. The scale was evaluated using the Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis approach. The hypothetical model was assessed based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to determine the adequacy of the goodness of fit to the sampled data. The analysis confirmed that the hypothesized four-factor model of the SRMS had an excellent fit to the data. The findings of the study fully supported the multi-dimensionality of the scale. We conclude that SRMS is a valid and reliable scale for measuring medical students’ motivation towards improved English oral communication.
Validation, Self-Regulated Motivation Scale, English Speaking, Medical Students
(1) M. Anees Ul Husnain Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, DG Khan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Iqbal Ahmad
Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, Dir (L), KP, Pakistan.
(3) Mohammad Saeed
MPhil Scholar, Senior Head Master, Government High School 264-GB, Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Shah, M. A. U. H., Ahmad, I., & Saeed, M. (2020). Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students. Global Language Review, V(I), 113-124.
CHICAGO : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. 2020. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V (I): 113-124 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).13
HARVARD : SHAH, M. A. U. H., AHMAD, I. & SAEED, M. 2020. Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students. Global Language Review, V, 113-124.
MHRA : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. 2020. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V: 113-124
MLA : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review, V.I (2020): 113-124 Print.
OXFORD : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Ahmad, Iqbal, and Saeed, Mohammad (2020), "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students", Global Language Review, V (I), 113-124
TURABIAN : Shah, M. Anees Ul Husnain, Iqbal Ahmad, and Mohammad Saeed. "Validation of Self-Regulated Motivation Scale for Measuring English Oral Communication among Medical Students." Global Language Review V, no. I (2020): 113-124.