Authored by : RubinaKamran , AsmaZahoor

12 Pages : 83-88


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    CHICAGO : Kamran, Rubina, and Asma Zahoor. 2019. "The Portrayal of Pakistani Diaspora Students in Shamsies Fiction." Global Language Review, IV (II): 83-88 doi: 10.31703/glr.2019(IV-II).12
    HARVARD : KAMRAN, R. & ZAHOOR, A. 2019. The Portrayal of Pakistani Diaspora Students in Shamsies Fiction. Global Language Review, IV, 83-88.
    MHRA : Kamran, Rubina, and Asma Zahoor. 2019. "The Portrayal of Pakistani Diaspora Students in Shamsies Fiction." Global Language Review, IV: 83-88
    MLA : Kamran, Rubina, and Asma Zahoor. "The Portrayal of Pakistani Diaspora Students in Shamsies Fiction." Global Language Review, IV.II (2019): 83-88 Print.
    OXFORD : Kamran, Rubina and Zahoor, Asma (2019), "The Portrayal of Pakistani Diaspora Students in Shamsies Fiction", Global Language Review, IV (II), 83-88