Authored by : Nayab Sadiq , Maliha Sarfraz , Amara Javed

30 Pages : 357-366


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    CHICAGO : Sadiq, Nayab, Maliha Sarfraz, and Amara Javed. 2022. "Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment." Global Language Review, VII (II): 357-366 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).30
    HARVARD : SADIQ, N., SARFRAZ, M. & JAVED, A. 2022. Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment. Global Language Review, VII, 357-366.
    MHRA : Sadiq, Nayab, Maliha Sarfraz, and Amara Javed. 2022. "Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment." Global Language Review, VII: 357-366
    MLA : Sadiq, Nayab, Maliha Sarfraz, and Amara Javed. "Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 357-366 Print.
    OXFORD : Sadiq, Nayab, Sarfraz, Maliha, and Javed, Amara (2022), "Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment", Global Language Review, VII (II), 357-366
    TURABIAN : Sadiq, Nayab, Maliha Sarfraz, and Amara Javed. "Destructive Innovation to the Unsustainability of the Environment." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 357-366.