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APA : Majeed, S., & Kirmani, N. S. (2021). Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors. Global Language Review, VI(I), 114-124.
CHICAGO : Majeed, Sumaira, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. 2021. "Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors." Global Language Review, VI (I): 114-124 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-I).13
HARVARD : MAJEED, S. & KIRMANI, N. S. 2021. Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors. Global Language Review, VI, 114-124.
MHRA : Majeed, Sumaira, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. 2021. "Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors." Global Language Review, VI: 114-124
MLA : Majeed, Sumaira, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. "Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors." Global Language Review, VI.I (2021): 114-124 Print.
OXFORD : Majeed, Sumaira and Kirmani, Nighat Sana (2021), "Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors", Global Language Review, VI (I), 114-124
TURABIAN : Majeed, Sumaira, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. "Effect of Argumentative Discourse based Intervention on Argumentation Ability: A Study of Demographic Factors." Global Language Review VI, no. I (2021): 114-124.