http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).06      10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).06      Published : Mar 2020
Authored by : MusarratAzher , Riffatun NisaAwan , SanaNawaz

06 Pages : 46-56


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    APA : Azher, M., Awan, R. u. N., & Nawaz, S. (2020). Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study. Global Language Review, V(I), 46-56. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).06
    CHICAGO : Azher, Musarrat, Riffat un Nisa Awan, and Sana Nawaz. 2020. "Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study." Global Language Review, V (I): 46-56 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).06
    HARVARD : AZHER, M., AWAN, R. U. N. & NAWAZ, S. 2020. Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study. Global Language Review, V, 46-56.
    MHRA : Azher, Musarrat, Riffat un Nisa Awan, and Sana Nawaz. 2020. "Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study." Global Language Review, V: 46-56
    MLA : Azher, Musarrat, Riffat un Nisa Awan, and Sana Nawaz. "Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study." Global Language Review, V.I (2020): 46-56 Print.
    OXFORD : Azher, Musarrat, Awan, Riffat un Nisa, and Nawaz, Sana (2020), "Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study", Global Language Review, V (I), 46-56
    TURABIAN : Azher, Musarrat, Riffat un Nisa Awan, and Sana Nawaz. "Hedging as an Indicator of Disciplinary Variation in Pakistani Academic Discourse: A Corpus Based Study." Global Language Review V, no. I (2020): 46-56. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).06