Authored by : Muhammad Umer Azim , Muhammad Saleem , Nargis Saleem

10 Pages : 85-93


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    CHICAGO : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Nargis Saleem. 2021. "Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea." Global Language Review, VI (II): 85-93 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).10
    HARVARD : AZIM, M. U., SALEEM, M. & SALEEM, N. 2021. Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea. Global Language Review, VI, 85-93.
    MHRA : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Nargis Saleem. 2021. "Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea." Global Language Review, VI: 85-93
    MLA : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Nargis Saleem. "Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 85-93 Print.
    OXFORD : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Saleem, Muhammad, and Saleem, Nargis (2021), "Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea", Global Language Review, VI (II), 85-93
    TURABIAN : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Nargis Saleem. "Institutional Violence and Madness in Bond's Subversive Comedy The Sea." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 85-93.