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APA : Masood, H. A. M., Rani, R., & Fatima, S. (2022). Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages. Global Language Review, VII(I), 166-179.
CHICAGO : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. 2022. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII (I): 166-179 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).15
HARVARD : MASOOD, H. A. M., RANI, R. & FATIMA, S. 2022. Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages. Global Language Review, VII, 166-179.
MHRA : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. 2022. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII: 166-179
MLA : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 166-179 Print.
OXFORD : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rani, Rashida, and Fatima, Safura (2022), "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages", Global Language Review, VII (I), 166-179
TURABIAN : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 166-179.