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APA : Waqar, S., & Ahmed, Z. (2020). Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material. Global Language Review, V(I), 304-314.
CHICAGO : Waqar, Sajid, and Zarnab Ahmed. 2020. "Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material." Global Language Review, V (I): 304-314 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-I).31
HARVARD : WAQAR, S. & AHMED, Z. 2020. Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material. Global Language Review, V, 304-314.
MHRA : Waqar, Sajid, and Zarnab Ahmed. 2020. "Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material." Global Language Review, V: 304-314
MLA : Waqar, Sajid, and Zarnab Ahmed. "Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material." Global Language Review, V.I (2020): 304-314 Print.
OXFORD : Waqar, Sajid and Ahmed, Zarnab (2020), "Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material", Global Language Review, V (I), 304-314
TURABIAN : Waqar, Sajid, and Zarnab Ahmed. "Promoting Patriotism through Textbooks: A Study into Contents of Pakistani ELT Material." Global Language Review V, no. I (2020): 304-314.