Authored by : Sara Anam , Rana Abdul Munim Khan , Shahbaz Khalid

23 Pages : 258-267


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    APA : Anam, S., Khan, R. A. M., & Khalid, S. (2023). The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis. Global Language Review, VIII(II), 258-267.
    CHICAGO : Anam, Sara, Rana Abdul Munim Khan, and Shahbaz Khalid. 2023. "The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII (II): 258-267 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).23
    HARVARD : ANAM, S., KHAN, R. A. M. & KHALID, S. 2023. The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis. Global Language Review, VIII, 258-267.
    MHRA : Anam, Sara, Rana Abdul Munim Khan, and Shahbaz Khalid. 2023. "The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII: 258-267
    MLA : Anam, Sara, Rana Abdul Munim Khan, and Shahbaz Khalid. "The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis." Global Language Review, VIII.II (2023): 258-267 Print.
    OXFORD : Anam, Sara, Khan, Rana Abdul Munim, and Khalid, Shahbaz (2023), "The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis", Global Language Review, VIII (II), 258-267
    TURABIAN : Anam, Sara, Rana Abdul Munim Khan, and Shahbaz Khalid. "The Experience of Bereavement in Sorayya Khan's We Take Our Cities with Us: A Psychosocial Analysis." Global Language Review VIII, no. II (2023): 258-267.